Goods can be converted from a unit of measure to the items base unit of measure using the UoM chart functionality.

The base unit of measure is the unit of measure used in the accounting system and can be seen in the item details screen in The Order Exchange

The UoM map code is defined in 3 segments being UoM, Qty, and direction separated by colons (:). It is also possible to list multiple UoM maps by separating with pipes (|). The 3 segments are defined as follows

  • UoM : The UoM code to convert from, note you can use a star '*' to signify all UoM Codes
  • Qty: The quantity to use when converting the from one unit size to another unit size.
  • Direction: Are you converting to a larger unit, or a smaller unit. Use times (*) to indicate you are going from a larger unit size to a smaller one (eg carton to each) and divide (/) to go from a smaller unit size to a bigger one (eg. Each to carton)

For example if a retailer orders 1 carton (CT) @ $100 dollars, but your accounting system stores these as eaches (EA) at $10 each (with 10 in a carton) then you can use the UoM mapping to convert cartons to eaches by specifying the UoM:Qty:direction such as CT:10:*. 

To go the other way where you use cartons but the retailer orders in eaches (EA) you could use EA:10:/ to convert 100 units into 10 boxes of 10

This functionality will convert the quantity and the price, so it is recommended that price checking be used with this feature.



