Some retailer require specialized allowance and charges. These can be a variety of things such as $5 off a dozen, or $1 of each. To do this there are some setting on the retailer item codes that allow the control of allowances and charges.

So for item codes listed in the allowance and charge screen, you can set the retailer item code fields as follows

AllowChrg Rule Type: Currently supports blank (none) and "EXTENDED"

AllowChrg Rate: A number (can be prarmeterized) that represents the amount that is applied per unit

AllowChrg Qty: A number (can be prarmeterized) that represents the quantity the rate is applied to

AllowChrg Qty UOM: The UoM that the QTY is being charged in

Below are the definitions for the 3 value fields mentioned:




Allowance value expressed in monetary currency that applies to a given quantity [i.e. “5” for when the rate is $5.00 off one dozen, or “1” for when it’s $1.00 charged per case].


AllowChrgRate is not the same as a AllowChrgPercent, since it is a fixed value applied to a given quantity of units, rather than a percentage of each unit.


[If AllowChrgRate is sent, then AllowChrgQty and AllowChrgQtyUOM fields may also be required]


Numeric value of quantity to which the allowance or charge applies.


[If AllowChrgQty is sent, then AllowChrgQtyUOM is required. AllowChrgRate or AllowChrgPercent may also be required]




The unit of measure used in relation with AllowChrgQty.


[If AllowChrgQtyUOM is sent, then AllowChrgQty is required. AllowChrgRate or AllowChrgPercent may also be required]


Further Info

The AllowChrgRate is an allowance or charge rate across a set number of units or a fixed quantity for the line, and can be in any unit (not necessarily the line unit). 


The rate will only apply to customers who use it or have it apply (e.g. we charge “$4 per case for freight handling” or “$1 off per 10 cases ordered”, etc.). If they are sent <AllowChrgRate> on the PO, that likely means they will use it or it’s part of their terms and selling agreement with that retailer.


Here are a few examples, which I hope clarifies <AllowChrgRate> usage:


Example 1: “$4 charged per case for freight handling”




            <AllowChrgCode>D240</AllowChrgCode> (Other qualifiers may be used..)






            <AllowChrgHandlingDescription>FREIGHT CHARGE</AllowChrgHandlingDescription>



Example 2: “$2.50 discount rate per line” (line/invoice quantity = 355)




            <AllowChrgCode>C310</AllowChrgCode> (Other qualifiers may be used..)






            <AllowChrgHandlingDescription>Trade Discount</AllowChrgHandlingDescription>



Example 3: “$1.20 discount per case for every 10 cases” (line/invoice quantity = 100)




            <AllowChrgCode>C310</AllowChrgCode> (Other qualifiers may be used..)






            <AllowChrgHandlingDescription>Trade Discount</AllowChrgHandlingDescription>
