If MYOB Advanced is printing the SSCC labels, or is passing the details to a 3rd party, then the fields below are available so the information required to print the correct SSCC label format and details can be done.

This is done by extending the web service endpoint so the names below can be mapped to other field names. Note the field names are case sensitive.


FieldData TypeDetails
IsEDIOrderBooleanIs this order for EDI
EDIOrderNumberString(50)The original order number for the labels
EDIDateType String(50)The date type code
EDIApplicationIDString(50)The application id
EDIDepartmentString(50)The department code
EDIDepartmentDescriptionString(100)The department description
EDIEventTypeString(50)The event type code
The region name or id
The promotion deal number
EDIMarkForNameString(100)The store name
EDIMarkForCodeString(50)The store code
EDIMarkForAddressLine1String(100)The store address line 1
EDIMarkForAddressLine2String(100)The store address line 2
EDIMarkForSuburbString(100)The store suburb 
EDIMarkForStateString(50)The store state
EDIMarkForPostCodeString(50)The store postal code
EDIMarkForCountryString(100)The store country
The Vendor Code
The Ship to name
The Ship to Code

These fields should be added by your MYOB Advanced consultant. For further information please see the video below or look at the guides for adding fields to a form.


Additional META data will be reuired for some SSCC Labels

Some retailers like Spotlght will require extra information 

Most commonly will be Region Region but could also include others such as





For this there is a TOE to SPS Global Map location for each setup so it will come through in the correct spot on the XML received by SPS on the 850 (EDI Order)

Region is to appear in the Packaging field - this is common for the Spotlight connection





We would then populate this inside of MYOB in the coirrect spot