This article is in regard to setting up an additional Attribute Set called [CUSTOMER NAME] EDI Store to help us find Customers/ GLNs. Example: Target EDI Store.

This page on the DEAR site is a good resource:

Creating a new attribute set in DEAR

Creating a new attribute set:

  1. Go to Settings → Reference Books → Other Items → Additional Attributes.
  2. Click + to add a new attribute set. A pop-up window will open.
  3. You can add up to 10 additional attributes per attribute set. Choose the Attribute Type for each attribute from the dropdown list. Available types are:
    • List: Only values from the list can be selected for this attribute. Enter values separated by commas or semi-colons into the Values field.
    • Text: Free-form text attribute with a max length of 256 symbols.
    • Checkbox: True or false value displayed in the form of a checkbox.
    • Not Used: This attribute will not have a value or be displayed as part of the attribute set.
  4. Save when you are finished. You will now be able to select this attribute set for products, suppliers and customers. Send a screen shot of this screen to your TOE Project Manager.

Assigning additional attributes to a customer/supplier in DEAR

Once you have created an Attribute Set, it can also be assigned to a customer or supplier.

Assigning additional attributes to a customer:

  1. Navigate to Sales → Customers. Create a new customer or select a customer to assign the attribute set to.
  2. Select the attribute set you want to apply from the Attribute Set dropdown menu. Only one attribute set can be assigned to a customer at a time.
  3. An Additional Attributes tab will appear in the customer information area. You can now fill in the additional attribute custom fields.
  4. Save your changes when you are done.

Here is an example where you have set-up an attribute set for a Target Corporation Customer: