Password (for readonly) AccountingSystemSettingAccounting System Setting Password (for readonly) instructions.
The password for read only connections
AccountingSystemSetting PASSWORD_RO
Password AccountingSystemSettingAccounting System Setting Password instructions.
The password
AccountingSystemSetting PASSWORD
Pickup folder AccountingSystemSettingAccounting System Setting Pickup folder instructions.
The processing folder for importings files
AccountingSystemSetting IMPORTFOLDER
Prior months to search sales for AccountingSystemSettingAccounting System Setting Prior months to search sales for instructions.
The number of prior months to search data for. Default is 6
AccountingSystemSetting EXPORTPRIORMONTHS
Protocol AccountingSystemSettingAccounting System Setting Protocol instructions.
Connection protocol
AccountingSystemSetting PROTOCOL
QUICKBOOKS Datafile AccountingSystemSettingAccounting System Setting QUICKBOOKS Datafile instructions.
Please select your accounting datafile
AccountingSystemSetting DATAFILE
Realm AccountingSystemSettingAccounting System Setting Realm instructions.
The company file id
AccountingSystemSetting COMPANYID
Reckon Datafile AccountingSystemSettingAccounting System Setting Reckon Datafile instructions.
Please select your accounting datafile
AccountingSystemSetting DATAFILE
Reckon Hosted Password AccountingSystemSettingAccounting System Setting Reckon Hosted Password instructions.
The password
AccountingSystemSetting PASSWORD
Reckon Hosted Username AccountingSystemSetting
Accounting System Setting Reckon Hosted Username instructions.
The username
AccountingSystemSetting USERNAME
Reckon Hosted? AccountingSystemSettingAccounting System Setting Reckon Hosted? instructions.
Is the accounting system online
AccountingSystemSetting ISONLINE
Refresh Token AccountingSystemSetting
Accounting System Setting Refresh Token instructions.
The refresh token
AccountingSystemSetting REFRESHTOKEN
Remote Pass-Through Pass-Through AccountingSystemSetting
Accounting System Setting Remote Pass-Through Pass-Through instructions.
Set to true if you are using 'The Order Exchange' pass through service for remote data access (on another environment)
Remote Pass-Through Pass-Through AccountingSystemSetting
Accounting System Setting Remote Pass-Through Pass-Through instructions.
Set to true if you are using 'The Order Exchange' pass through service for remote data access (on another environment)
RenumberCartons AccountingSystemSettingAccounting System Setting RenumberCartons instructions.
If true then the cartons will be renumbered into a sequential order, if false then carton numbers will not be recalculated. Default is true
AccountingSystemSetting RENUMBERCARTONS
Results available AccountingSystemSettingAccounting System Setting Results available instructions.
Are invoice results available. If not then the document details will be used to generate the invoice
Role ID AccountingSystemSettingAccounting System Setting Role ID instructions.
The role for the connection

AccountingSystemSetting RO