Use Default Terms RetailerSetting

Retailer Setting Use Default Terms instructions.

When true then default terms provided are used


Discount Percent RetailerSetting

Retailer Setting Discount Percent instructions.

The discount % to apply for early payment


Discount Due Days RetailerSetting

Retailer Setting Discount Due Days instructions.

The discount due days to which early payment is calculated from. Based off invoice date


Payment Due Days RetailerSetting

Retailer Setting Payment Due Days instructions.

The number of days after the invoice date the payment is due.

RetailerSetting TERMSDUEDAYS

Term Description RetailerSetting

Retailer Setting Terms Description instructions.

The description of the payment terms


Custom Validation Rule RetailerSetting

Retailer Setting Custom Validation Rule instructions.

A Lamda Expression which defines customized validation rule.

For example

Must have ordered more than 1 item on the order

Document.TotalQuantityOrdered >  1

Order Value must be greater than $100 ex GST

Document.TotalAmountExTax >  100


Update ShipTo Address RetailerSetting

Retailer Setting Update ShipTo Address instructions.

Found under the retailers Exporting settings. If true then the ship to address on the order or latest invoice in the ERP will be updated to the order. Note not all ERP systems return the ship to address, or return it in a usable EDI format. This is normally used whne the ERP system itself it the source of the order (such as import sales)


Auto Reject after duration RetailerSetting

Retailer Setting Auto Reject after duration instructions.

If set then will auto reject an order if no order, shipments or invoices are found on an order for a given period SINCE THE ORDER WAS LAST SEEN WITH IMPORTED ORDERS/SHIPMENTS/INVOICES. This means that the order has to have been imported first and the order confirmed it is in the accounting/ERP system first, then at a later date no records are return from the accounting/ERP for a given length of time

The value can be an integer optionally with a D, M, or Y at the end. The default is D for days, while M is months and Y is years. See the following examples

7 = 7 days

2M = 2 months

1Y = 1 year


SSCC Required RetailerSetting

Retailer Setting SSCC Required instructions

If true the SSCC labels are required and cannot be automatically deleted. 

RetailerSetting SSCCREQUIRED

Label Auto Print Method RetailerSetting

Retailer Setting Label Auto Print Method instructions.

If Auto print Labels is on then what is the delivery method (print/email). Note you cannot print form the cloud version and when emailing then it will use the warehouse email address if set, otherwise the supplier email address.