Job Name RetailerSetting

Retailer Setting Job Name instructions.

What job to use for this retailer (blank for none).Note this only works on systems that supports jobs

RetailerSetting JOBNAME

Label Cross Dock Name RetailerSetting

Retailer Setting Label Cross Dock Name instructions.

The label name from the labels list to use for Cross Dock, if not set will use the label setting.


Pallet Label Cross Dock Name RetailerSetting

Retailer Setting Pallet Label Cross Dock Name instructions.

The label pallet name from the labels list to use for Cross Dock, if not set will use the pallet setting.


DC Pallet Splitting RetailerSetting

Retailer Setting DC Pallet Splitting instructions.

How to split pallets when auto generating. Default is a pallet per store but DCs can want the pallet just for the DC


Label Export Folder RetailerSetting

Retailer Setting Label Export Folder instructions.

Specify a path to export label to. If blank then will export to the supplier printout folder


Carton Extension Digit RetailerSetting

Retailer Setting Carton Extension Digit instructions.

The label extension digit (default=0).


Pallet Extension Digit RetailerSetting

Retailer Setting Pallet Extension Digit instructions.

The pallet label extension digit (default=1).


Label Print Copies RetailerSetting

Retailer Setting Label Print Copies instructions.

How many copies of the labels to print. Ony comes into affect when not producing PDFs


Connection Type RetailerSetting

Retailer Setting Connection Type instructions.

How is your label printer connected.


Language RetailerSetting

Retailer Setting Language instructions.

The language of your label printer.


Printer Name RetailerSetting

Retailer Setting Printer Name instructions.

A Zebra label printer or ZPL compatible label printer.


Label Print Order RetailerSetting

Retailer Setting Label Print Order instructions.

What order to print the labels in


Use Customer Tax Rate

Retailer Setting Use Customer Tax Rate instructions

If true then the tax rate from the customer will be used for all items. Note this overrides the item and the always use tax information


Off Range Code RetailerSetting

Retailer Setting Off Range Code instructions.

The retailer item code to use if an item is marked as offrange and added to an order.


Scanner Pallets RetailerSetting

Retailer Setting Scanner Pallets instructions.

Turn off if pallet is to default to 1 pallet per store on the scanner


Scanner Cartons RetailerSetting

Retailer Setting Scanner Cartons instructions.

'Turn off if carton is to default to 1 per pallet on the scanner


Scanner Locations RetailerSetting

Retailer Setting Scanner Locations instructions.

Turn off if location is not required when scanning.


Scanner Batches RetailerSetting

Retailer Setting Scanner Batches instructions.

Turn off if batch number is not required when scanning.


Scanner Best Before RetailerSetting

Retailer Setting Scanner Best Before instructions.

Turn off if best before date is not required when scanning.


Item Code Filter RetailerSetting

Retailer Setting ITEMCODEFILTER instructions.

Restrict the items to those item codes that match the given filter such as *AU


Retailer Setting: TiHi ASN Rule

TiHi ASN Rule is a retailer setting for sending the TIHI in the ASN

  It is a dropdown list with 2 options

   1. Use Pallet Type (Default)

   2. Use First Item Outer Details

Use Pallet Type:

This is the default setting and will send the values set for the item.

Use First Item Outer Details 

The details coming in the order for the First item in Physical Details will do back in the ASN

Details in the Order for TiHi

Sent in the ASN

Retailer Settings - Payment Terms - Terms Type

The "Terms Type" field in retailer settings determines where TOE will pull the payment terms.  There are three options included in the dropdown menu:

USE DEFAULTS: this setting will take information entered in the fields just below the dropdown and use that configured data to enter payment terms. The "Term Description" field should be populated with the desired terms.

USE RETAILERS: this setting will take any terms information that was sent by the retailer on their 850 purchase order document and use that on EDI documents. 

USE ACCOUNTING SYSTEM: this setting will attempt to pull terms information from the client's accounting system and use that information on EDI documents. Accounting system terms do not always match cleanly with the format that TOE uses for terms, so this may result in inaccuracies as the terms data is translated between systems. 

Keep in mind, payment terms are not relevant to the EDI process and do not necessarily need to be included in EDI documents unless at the directive of the retailer. That said, some retailers do send terms in their orders and expect them to be sent back on return documents. If the terms are included in the 850, TOE will automatically return the same terms on return documents unless prompted to do otherwise.