Dashboard > Retailers > Retailer Details

Issue: Screen is blank if you select Common Settings or Advanced Settings.

1. FIrst, check that the necessary EDI documents are assigned to the retailer in TOE admin:

Verify Retailer has EDI Docs associated. 

If the Retailer has no EDI Docs displayed in the EDI Docs column, double click your mouse in the EDI Docs column.

A screen will be displayed with the EDI docs list. In the Active column, click the documents that should be associated with this retailer. Then click the Save Changes button to save your work.

2. In the TOE Admin, go to Retailers, find the Retailer and click to Edit the Retailer:

A small window will open:

In the "Copy Settings From" field select WALMARTUSA.

Click the Update button and go back to the client's TOE site and check to see if you can see all of the fields on the Retailer's screen.

3. If this still fails to clear up the issue (retailer settings still will not load on the page), the issue may be because the client has not used their credentials to log in since the retailer module was added to their TOE account. The client logging in with their own credentials can prime the system to check for new settings so that retailer settings will load correctly. Our support-side "login" button for their account won't prompt this change in the system. 

If you have reached this point and are going to attempt to login with client credentials to correct the issue, please contact Mick before using the client's login information to log in from our side. Nothing bad is going to happen lol he just wants to troubleshoot further.